About Me

Hi, and welcome to my blog! I’m Cara, a newlywed 23 year old, living and cooking in Chicago.
Growing up in Southern Indiana or the Midwest in general, food was and is a HUGE part of my life. We eat for a birth, death, wedding, graduation, birthday, anniversary, holiday, game night, family reunion, church function…and in the case of my family, we eat for the first big snow of the year.  Yes, if you come to my house, I try to feed you for some reason or another (hunger being irrelevant).  This blog is about my food adventures….in learning, cooking, and having fun along the way. 
How it all started:
I was inspired to start a cooking blog about three weeks after I got married, so around June 30, 2010.  It all started as a Facebook album.  I would make a dish, plate it on a wedding gift, post it on Facebook, and tag the person who gave the gift so they could see the gift in action.  Then, I started making, posting, and tagging recipes that were given to me at my bridal shower.  After I ran out of both, I kept posting pictures of the meals I cooked.  More and more people started asking me for recipes, people that could cook and people that had never touched a pan.  I had an idea to do recipe prep posts on a blog, where I would post some of the recipes I made and the ingredient and prep pictures to go along with them.  It would be cooking for real people, with real lives and real cabinet/refrigerator contents.    You don’t have to have fresh herbs and top quality ingredients….sometimes you just open a can after work and see what happens.
What readers can expect:
Fast forward and we are going live today, Columbus Day 2011. So why devotedly read this blog? What would you stand to gain? Well, for starters, you will get tried and true recipes. Recipes tested by myself, consumed by myself and my husband, Joe (The boy who lived…through all my recipes thus far), and recipes which have been awarded the Turner seal of approval. Together, we will learn how to use those kitchen gadgets collecting dust, to sandwich what has never been sandwiched before, to taste it and make it, and the best practices for better cooking.  I’m not an expert, but I have a will to learn, several cookbooks, and a good track record