Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Unconventional Sandwich: Pizza Bagels

The Unconventional Sandwich
sand·wich noun
1 a : two or more slices of bread or a split roll having a filling in between
    b : one slice of bread covered with food

sandwich verb
: to make into or as if into a sandwich; especially : to insert or enclose between usually two things of another quality or character

Ahh…the Sandwich.  Although they existed long before they were called sandwiches, John Montague, the fourth earl of Sandwich, is credited with naming the tasty invention. Montague, a heavy card player, held his cards in one hand and cheese and meat between slices of bread in the other (This is still a sandwich purpose in my house today!).  Montague’s fellow players started asking for Sandwich’s …and the rest is sandwich history!
The Unconventional Sandwich posts explore a variety of sandwich condiments and toppings, twists on old favorites, and traditional sandwiches with our own unique flare.  From breakfast to dessert, there isn’t anything we can’t try to sandwich.
Pizza Bagels:

I'm 99% sure I can't count this as an Unconventional Sandwich, or even a as a recipe.  But, it's yummy, cheaper than frozen pizza bagels, and so easy it's ridiculous.  I love recipes like that :)  Tasty, cheap, and ridiculously easy.

What you'll need:

Pizza Bagels:

Pizza Sauce
Favorite Pizza toppings
Bagels (I use Bagel thins)
(* I use a pinch of onion salt, garlic powder, crushed red pepper, and Italian seasoning as a's kind of a signature)

First, preheat your oven to 350.

Place your bagel halves (cut side up) on a cookie sheet. Spread a thin layer of pizza sauce over the bagels. Top with mozzarella cheese and pizza toppings.

Bake for 8-10 minutes, or until heated through. Apparently I don't have a final product picture for you--sorry about that. However, it does look just like the picture above, except the cheese is melted  :)

After you remove your bagels from the oven, you can top with my spice additions: a pinch of onion salt, garlic powder, crushed red pepper, and Italian seasoning.


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