Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Simply Salmon Patties

Simply Salmon Patties
What would your last meal be?  My answer always involves salmon patties.  Even people that don’t necessarily love fish can respect fried patties of canned salmon goodness.  Serve with a side of soup beans and some fried potatoes…that’s what I like to call hillbilly food heaven.
What you’ll need:

Simply Salmon Patties
1 box Jiffy© Corn Muffin Mix (BIG SURPRISE!)
1 can salmon (save juice)
1 egg
Salt, pepper
Vegetable oil

First, crack open your can of salmon and lay it out on a plate.  Remember to save your juice in a small container of some sort.

Next, I pick out a few of the bones. Mainly this nasty looking piece you see below.  The other smaller bones break up during the cooking process, so you won’t even know they are there. but I take the larger ones out. 

After you have de-boned somewhat, take a fork and flake your salmon.

Next, add your Jiffy Mix. You can add the whole box for a more cornbread taste, about 2/3 of a box for a nice blend, and 1/3 of a box for more of a salmon flavor.  You can pick (this is about 2/3 of a box)

Remember that saved juice? Here is where it comes in. Take your juice and add your egg. Blend the eggs and salmon juice and add that to your salmon mixture.

Divide your salmon mixture into ¼ cup portions.  Heat oil and fry salmon patties until golden brown.

Place finished salmon patties on plate with paper towel.  The best food must rest on a paper towel before eating J


asrealascanbe said...

Thanks, just the answer I was looking for, will be frying some tonight, {07SEPT2020}.

Rebecca said...

Someone at my local grocery store recommended jiffy mix for salmon patties. Never had them like that so I'm trying it tonight. My husband asks me to make them all the time but I never liked the doughy, fishy taste. Hoping jiffy fixes that. Thanks for the full recipe!

Nicole said...

I'm trying to empty my pantry and replenish after that's done and I had 2 small cans of boneless, skinless salmon and a box of jiffy mix and looked up a recipe to see if it had been done before and lo and behold here you were!! Thank you for walking through what you did, I probably would have strained my fish but I did as you said and added onion and minced garlic. They're frying up now and smell amazing! Thank you so much!!

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